Two phase treatment is a specialized process where by both tooth straightening and jaw and facial realignment are accomplished in two separate phases of active orthodontic treatment. With two phases of treatment, we can have a dramatic effect on skeletal changes and can reduce the need for removal of permanent teeth and jaw surgery. In some cases, we can achieve results that may not be possible once the face and jaws have finished growing.
Phase one treatment is designed to intercept developing problems during a child's active growth in order to establish proper jaw alignment. Because they are growing rapidly, children can benefit greatly from early orthopedic and orthodontic treatment. Phase one treatment can also be used to correct harmful oral habits, improve appearance, guide permanent teeth into more favorable positions and lower the risk of injury to protruded front teeth.
Phase two treatment begins after the remaining permanent teeth have erupted. The second phase finishes the alignment of the jaws and permanent teeth for proper function and esthetics.
Not every child would benefit from two phases of orthodontic treatment. For most patients early interceptive treatment is not necessary and they can be treated with just a single phase after the permanent teeth have erupted.